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Messages from Spirit

I channel messages from guides, guardians, and angelic beings. This is a collection of those channels. Often, they contain personal information for me, but are also meant for the collective. I hope they bring you as much peace and comfort as they have for me. I posted them for friends; hence, my personal commentary as an introduction. This will continue to be a work in progress. 



Message from Spirit 

Yesterday, I posted a video with messages. It was disjointed and the first 3/4th a bit heavy. I deleted it because I felt it did not serve the best for everyone on a holiday. 

I am asking Spirit for a message this morning since they are a direct voice to All That Is. 

We are reaching the end of a Mercury Retrograde cycle and the moon is full and gorgeous this morning. Tonight, rather than the 31st, I’ll say goodbye to 2023 and start looking toward the future. One that I create for and about me. That isn’t selfish…it’s self care. Okay - now for a more kind and gentle voice…thank you in advance, Spirit. 



Do not be afraid to speak your truth. Truth and soul knowing will not sound harsh or cruel. It is only when the ego and the need to be right influences the words that the tone and language corrupt in the message. Speaking your truth when in conjunction with the need for balance and harmony will always be given with a vulnerable strength. It simply is…it isn’t wounded pride speaking. It is the truth of your heart and emotional soul. 


Yes. There is an emotional soul. Each person is given this gift to carry with them throughout each lifetime. That is the record keeper of all emotions experienced in the lifetime. It is a capsule of the experiences to review and reflect upon when studying the history of human lives and creating the circumstances that will cross one’s path in the planning of the next incarnation. 


You asked for a message for the collective about finding hope and faith in the future. Yes, we heard the word faith even if you did not write it. This is part of the capsule of emotion tied to each soul. When the hope is depleted, it may be replenished by asking Source to refill the cup. Many do not do so. It is the puzzle of the human existence. Why remain thirsty when there is an unending supply to quench your thirst. You only have to ask. If you say, ‘fill my cup’. We will understand. All That Is will understand. As you write this, you feel your heart swell and become full again. This is the answer to the question. This is how you find hope and faith. This is the future of optimism and possibility even in the darkest of times. Yes, you are right about the dietary problem, dearest Holly. You do not trust your own knowing for yourself, so we use this opportunity to tell you that yes, the food source in your thoughts is harming your human body. 


Be patient and kind not only to others, but to yourself. Ask to have your cup filled as often as required or felt necessary. There will always be love from the Source. It will never run dry and neither should you. 


You are loved. Greatly. You are never alone. The battles others face are their own and have nothing to do with your spirit, your soul. Ask and your heart will always be filled. 


Thank you. Thank you, Spirit. 

With love and gratitude,

Holly McCullough


Message from Spirit:

Note: I feel and get the image of a wave of people standing behind me. I wanted everyone to feel and see that because it is going to be important for this message. It is true for everyone! I have a highly dysfunctional family that I am not in contact with and haven’t been the bulk of my life. It is what it is. The spirits behind me and the ones behind you are ancestors, guides, guardians…I don’t think necessarily past lives as I’m being told that isn’t the case for this instance. The holiday season is part of this with the reminder that we often don’t have or never had a sense of belonging to anything. I just heard, ‘we(you) are more than the immediate’. Okay - here goes. I’m a little nervous about this one….seriously…



Carry the burdens of your own and not those of the one’s around you. Each has a lesson and path to follow, to forge, It isn’t for you to understand or be part of their growth in that you want to remove ro fix what isn’t yours to address. 


Be the single cog in the wheel that moves the situation and life experience onward, then realize that the next person or situation is the next cog in the same wheel that will help take the next step in forward movement. 


Your task is complete. You have your own wheel. Your own wheel and your own journey. Just as you were a single cog for someone else’s turn of the wheel, so were they for you. Be pleased you crossed paths to push the journeys forward. 


You are quite right. There are many spirits that stand with you and behind - some even clearing the path and directing you to the next adventure that brings you closer to your ultimate journey, ‘home’. 


Nothing is in vain. Nothing is wasted time. Nothing is a missed opportunity. You have finally discovered this in its entirety. Lean into the beings, spirits that surround you. 


Rest today. Rest is a necessary medicine to fuel the heart, mind, and body. Even the spirit needs rest. It is eternal and perfect, yes…but in a flawed human existence. When the mind, body, and spirit are not in sync…fatigue and confusion result. When you allow the mind and body to rest, they may travel faster energetically to, ‘catch up’, if you will, with the spirit and in that way sync into understanding your connection to spirit, inspired action, and forward movement. Think of those glimmers of inspiration…they are when all three are working in tandem - the mind, body, and spirit. 


So, rest dearest one. Be gentle with yourself and we say this to all! Rest and know that the rest is productive as it will give you the clarity to receive the inspiration for accelerated growth. The cogs in the wheel will not be necessary soon. 


It will be a seamless ability to fly. 

You are never alone. 

You are loved.

Now rest. 


Thank you, Spirit.

Thank you….With love and gratitude, thank you. 

Holly McCullough


Message from Spirit:

Spirit: Be patient. Be loving. 

There are ways to love all that is around you and the energy of love that is found in nature, in the wind, in the water, in the quiet and in the heat of passion. 

So many have heartbroken energy. We see this. We hear it. We know the depths of the fear and pain. 

No. We hear your question and time does not always heal. Lean into the truth of your soul, your spirit and we will bring you comfort and peace if you allow it. We do this for all who ask. The strain on the feeling heart, which is the energetic heart, is not necessary. 

You ask how this is true. 

There are so many ways to love. Be the loving energy and that, in turn, brings healing not only to you, but to all. When you focus on the wounded heart, the energetic heart, the feeling heart space, it creates chaos within the physical body and physical heart. That is turn, is what is radiated outward to the masses.

You should know this. We are not reprimanding you, dearest one, we are only reminding you that your wellness and the wellness of all….all beings…comes from the living in the space and energy of compassion and yes, loving energy. 

Yes, you are feeling the truth of this. Gratitude for witnessing the light in others and all things is the core of what love energy is in it’s purest form. 

This surprises you. You thought that was the result of the love energy. 

It is in fact, so much more. It is the act of spreading your light into the darkest of places.

It eliminates fear. Fear is the true death. 

Hold your light and love energy as you would a beautiful, precious gift from All That Is.  

Let it fill you entirely. It is the reminder that you are not alone, but part of the greater Source. 

There is not more to this message. 

You are all the greatest creations of the Divine and you are loved. 


Thank you, Spirit. 

I nearly let my walls rebuild. I won’t.

Thank you, Spirit. Thank you. 

Holly McCullough


Message from Spirit:

Note: I normally get the nudge to sit with Spirit early in the morning. I have been detoxing and today was the first day I felt relief and like the protocol is working. I am feeling stronger. I am thinking more clearly. I am so grateful. I was planning an even earlier night, but kept getting pushed, moved, nudged to sit because I could feel Spirit so close and with a message. I have no idea what to expect. I do know that it is insistent and for all of us. 



There are times of struggle and strife. There are times of wayward energies that shift and move through your consciousness. You collect the memories of the dead and the living. You harbor ill will toward none. 

Grief brings illness to you. Love will remove it. You laugh as we know that it is anger that propels you toward the first steps of healing. Anger at the pain and suffering of the many and that in turn encapsulates into the pain and suffering within the form your soul calls home in this body in this incarnation. 

Yes, we speak directly to you, dearest child, but also the collective. The rampant need, the clawing and tearing apart of others to fulfill a missing piece or hole within the being is never acceptable. Your sadness and that of the collective draws to you this element of fear, greed, and depravity who see you as nothing more to satiate the hunger that never ends within themselves. It is the energy and nurturing light that they wish to breathe in to heal their own wounds to the detriment of our dear ones. 

They may be dear, too - but have lost all empathy and connection to the light, the source within that connected them to the Source of All That Is. This is the place that leads others to dismiss their own divinity and try to absorb that very light that radiates from the ones they try to consume. 

You, dear child, and the collective understand this: We see all. We know all. 

Call on us for healing, protection, for wellness. Call on us to intervene. You must call on us to intervene or we allow the one in the incarnation to assume the responsibility without us to do as they will. 

There are times and situations that weaken you. Ask for help. Only that and we will immediately step forth and in turn be your guides, guardians, healers…call us what you will…angels, protectorate, ancestors, the words do not matter. When you are so weak you think only of the pain and fear, call on us. Ask for help. Ask for intervention. Give us the pain and fear. Give us the need to understand. 

There are things that do not bear the gift of understanding. Leave that for us and for when you have reunited with the higher self in the space of the Divine. That, however, is not your task now. It is simply to ask. 

You held out your hands and gave us your worry and uncertainty. We took it from you. You asked for the knowledge of what to do to heal. We gave that to you in the form of others coming to your aid and in your own consciousness. You asked to give you clarity and show you what you needed to see. We opened your eyes with gentleness. 

You are right in that the anger of your weakness and woundedness led you into harm’s way, but even this has served a purpose. You are healing and you will completely heal. You will be even stronger. 

You now remember who you are and now your light will shine even brighter, even stronger, and your connection to the Source of All That Is will be even more resolute. 

You were forlorn and without belonging. You now fully live in the timelessness and unshakable love of All That Is. 

You are still and will be as long as you are in this human form, our dear, dear child - but this day you have become our dear one. Our dear one who has evolved and grown past the wounds of the past, of people, of injury, of uncertainty. 

Walk in the Light. 

We love you, our dear one. 

We love you. 


Thank you, Spirit. 

With immense gratitude I ask for help and intervention in all directions of time. 

With immense gratitude, I can only say that I love you. I love you. I love you. 

Thank you,

Holly McCullough


Message from Spirit:

Note: I have felt the nudge from Spirit to listen for a little while now. Today, I felt the shift and knew it was time. We are coming through eclipse season and this one was and is intense. For me and many others, it feels that it is about stepping into your power, your truth, being balls to the wall who you are unapologetically. Are you a tower or pile of rubble? We have moments of both, but right now we are being asked to choose. I took this picture this morning and I chose to be stripped of all but who I am. Right out of the shower, washing away the old, a bare face, and an old tank that says, ‘Good Medicine’. I wanted my raw truth rather than the usual flower or glowing heart image on the channeled message. It is time to get real with ourselves if nothing else. I don’t know what the channel will hold as I am just now sitting to write it, but I know that for today, I choose to be the tower and be my own, ‘Good Medicine’. I hope the same for you. Here we go…..and thank you Spirit….I love you. 



The circle is complete. You feel this cycle of your life has come, ‘full circle’, but the circle was never broken. The circle was never ending. There were no extending straight lines radiating from the circle to navigate. The cycles are only designs and patterns etched into the circle of your life in this incarnation and all the others you have collected. This pattern has concluded. Only that. You are the strength you have sought…that you always were. That is the feeling of full circle. You have remembered who you are and where your truth and soul lies within itself. 

Your goals and direction, space you will fill within your life, are only beginning to come to fruition. You have worried so about time and loss. 

There is nothing to fear. It was the fear that created the break or pattern in the cycle or circle of your being. You regenerate and renew with each pattern etched into the circle of your being. You see clearly what we describe. 

What once you may have called it damaged or wounded, you now see as a beautiful creation, artwork to adorn the memories held within the soul. 

Remembering who you are does not come with aggression or anger, the tower of which you speak isn’t isolated or removed. It is simply the place of peace within you that you have craved. It is resolute. It is not a tower or prison, but a lighthouse, a home, a skeletal formation to carry within your own body. 

The message is this our dearest children, as we speak to you all. The lesson is not to find a purpose. You are your purpose with every breath. It is not connection to others or acceptance of any kind while in this temporary place, time, and body. When you remember who you are, what your soul feels, and the distance between this world and the light of home are bridged, we are as one. You will become part of the we. We are the strength and home within as well as without. There is no distance. Yes, humans seem to align with odd games in an attempt to feel either superior or hide a truer insecurity, but when you know, remember, live in who you are without exception, it will not have any impact on your existence. 

Breathe. Your memories are on the breath. You breathe into life all your desire. You call home your pieces given too freely at the expense of your own wellness. Call yourself home on the inhalation. We are with you. We always will be. We are proud of you. We love you. 

Breathe in, dear child. We will fill you with healing, wellness, and knowledge. Your breath has been shallow. Just as you drink water and wash your form to remove impurities, you must breathe deeply. 

Your breath and every inhalation and exhalation carries with it the wisdom of All That Is, The Ineffable…truth and life. 


We are with you. 


Thank you Spirit,

Holly McCullough

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