Psychic Medium
Reiki Master Teacher &
Metaphysical Practitioner

Holly McCullough
Holly Speaks to Spirit LLC
YouTube: Holly Speaks to Spirit
Connecting to the spirit world has always been part of my life. I actually felt closer to the world of spirit than the realm of the living. I was born into a family of psychic mediums. It wasn't something to be feared, but it also wasn't readily discussed due to the stigma of the time period.
​I am a psychic medium, Reiki Master Teacher, Akashic Record consultant, and teacher of metaphysics. For me, the most important calling and part of my spiritual path, is the work of being a Deathwalker. I function as a conduit to help spirits who have not transitioned into the Light. These spirits are often referred to as earthbound spirits or energies. I assist the earthbound spirits in fully transitioning and thereby finding peace. As a result, the living who have to deal with unresolved or earthbound energies at home or at work, will also find peace from the chaotic and dense energy those unsettled spirits brought into the space.
I prefer to work remotely to clear locations. If a site visit is required, that will be determined at the time of the service. Energy knows no boundaries; therefore, this work may be accomplished by remote access. I employ several techniques to accomplish the clearing/crossing work.
Spirit is always around us. Loved ones, pets, guides, and our higher power surround and love us unconditionally. We are never alone. The love of the spirits around us fortify and wrap us in a blanket of unconditional love. I know this as both a medium and a survivor of a near death experience or, NDE. As an adult, I was involved in a car accident that left me with numerous injuries and at the time of the crash, my body died twice. The second time I was in an ambulance and covered with a sheet. It was one of the worst and yet the best thing that ever happened to me. I learned, without doubt, how much we are loved by our higher power and guides. They are always with us. No one dies alone and the, 'other side' is often called home because it really is just that. Home. When spirits choose not to transition into the Light for any number of reasons, they suffer an alienation from the most intense love we will ever know. When we do encounter earthbound or misguided beings who did not transition, it is important to move them on and help them find peace. That is my purpose and calling for which I am truly humbled and grateful.